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Debate Analysis

A website to break down political debates & compare candidates.

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After choosing a debate to analyze, users choose one or multiple candidates to be cross-referenced with a word association database.

Users enter an issue or topic to see how often the candidate mentioned the topic or subjects related to the topic. Users can then compare candidates’ results. They can also see the average sentiment associated with a topic, how long they talked about a topic, and how this topic was prioritized compared to the other topics analyzed. For example, the program would read:

Bernie Sanders mentioned The Green New Deal 6 times.

Bernie Sanders mentioned words associated with the Green New Deal 12 times.

Bernie Sanders talked about The Green New Deal for 2.4 minutes.

Out of 20 issues, The Green New Deal was Bernie Sanders's No. 6 issue.

Average sentiment for Bernie Sanders related to The Green New Deal:

Positive 90%; Passionate; 80%

Amy Klobuchar mentioned The Green New Deal 5 times.

Amy Klobuchar mentioned words associated with the Green New Deal 9 times.

Amy Klobuchar talked about The Green New Deal for 2.4 minutes.

Out of 20 issues, The Green New Deal was Amy Klobuchar's No. 16 issue.

Average sentiment for Amy Klobuchar related to The Green New Deal:

Positive 20%; Passionate; 60%

Debate Analysis

A website to break down political debates & compare candidates.

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